Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fun Day in Downtown San Antonio

Day 15 - San Antonio TX - Non Travel Day

Today was a perfect *10*

What a great day! Woke up to sun and mild temperatures, a perfect day for the festival going on here.
Drove downtown and headed for the marketplace area. There were bands playing, and other entertainment...not to mention all the local foods! Since we'd been soooooo good diet-wise the day before we'd more or less made up our minds that we'd sample the local foods, that and I weighed myself that morning and was down another pound.
Pretty good...I've lost four pounds since we left home. Now, that is quite the opposite of what happens on other vacations. I can gain that in FOUR DAYS!

We were walking through the marketplace and I pointed out to Jim that the clock had hit NOON so we should eat some of those foods that we'd been temped by the aromas. We didn't have a clue what the heck most of this stuff was. The vendors were laughing at us. Heck, we grew up in New England for crying out loud...I can name every fish in a seafood case, but this stuff?

We sampled a small, greasy corn, pocket thing with some brown stuff it, I think it was a called a Gordita? (Mexican pita)
Next we shared two, greasy, rolled up corn things with brown stuff in them, Taquitos? (Mexican wrap)
Finally, we split four tiny, greasy, flat round, corn things with brown and tan stuff in them, topped with cilantro, onions and cheese.
(Mexican mini pizzas) That's what I'm holding in the picture.

We walked quite a few blocks to the Alamo. There were special events going on there too, TV cameras were everywhere. I stopped to have my picture taken with Davy Crockett's men. The guy on my right was kidding around with me....something about *this will be quick*.

After that we walked to the Riverwalk and took one of the boat rides. We were amazed at how much bigger the river system is than when we were here way back in 1991. With the weather so beautiful and the lovely landscaping...I just can't say enough about what a great place the Riverwalk is. Everyone should try to get to experience it.

I was still craving a good quality ice cream so before we left I had my final splurge of the day (month, for that matter!) and if I'm going to use that many calories it's going to be good. So I got a small Marble Slab double chocolate. Jim got a small too, and discovered that a person can be happy without getting the giant waffle cone, dipped in chocolate and covered with walnuts, with two scoops of ice cream! We savored it while we watched some young girls future American Idol contestants sing. Some were very good!

I took a picture of the Texas Ranger Museum. We didn't go in, but the decor creeped me out, especially all those antlers! I felt like I was at Disney World and those heads sticking out out of the building were going to start talking any minute!

Late in the afternoon we headed for the parking garage and walked right past it, by the time we realized it we'd walked in a huge I guess we walked off a good part of the ice cream!

We rested our feet when we got back to the the feel of my hip and feet I'd say we walked about five miles.

We both agreed that this was the best day of the vacation so far.

1 comment:

Jeff and Lori said...

Oh Mom, You look so pretty on the last picture..I am really missing you. Boy gas prices sure stink. Talk to you soon. I love you and Dad Lori