Day 23 Las Vegas Nevada
Sunday April 27
Viva Las Vegas...trouble is that I can't even think it anymore without hearing that damn commercial for Viagara! 'For us *guys* with E D...
First of all, you're not 'guys' anymore, you are mature 'men'...okay, some are old geezers. And they can't even say what it really is. Am I the only one who remembers the word, impotence? Ahem, I'm getting off subject here...
Okay, back to Las Vegas.

Did a little housecleaning, had a nice healthy omelet for breakfast, with *my* special fruit salad. Jim wanted to watch the NASCAR race, nice that it's on so early in Pacific Time. He got bored with it so we got in the car and tried to find Lake Mead. We knew where it was, but decided to take city streets and he doesn't trust my navigational we got a little testy at times. Anyway we went up to the Lake Mead National Recreational Area. Gave us our first chance to use our National Parks Pass.
Sunday April 27
Viva Las Vegas...trouble is that I can't even think it anymore without hearing that damn commercial for Viagara! 'For us *guys* with E D...
First of all, you're not 'guys' anymore, you are mature 'men'...okay, some are old geezers. And they can't even say what it really is. Am I the only one who remembers the word, impotence? Ahem, I'm getting off subject here...
Okay, back to Las Vegas.
Did a little housecleaning, had a nice healthy omelet for breakfast, with *my* special fruit salad. Jim wanted to watch the NASCAR race, nice that it's on so early in Pacific Time. He got bored with it so we got in the car and tried to find Lake Mead. We knew where it was, but decided to take city streets and he doesn't trust my navigational we got a little testy at times. Anyway we went up to the Lake Mead National Recreational Area. Gave us our first chance to use our National Parks Pass.
We came back and got ready to go to the Strip again. We are slow learners and gluttons for punishment. This time we decided to go to the middle section of the strip. We parked at Harrah's and walked around the Venetian, I love the Venetian.'s BIG, very, very BIG. BIG means walking...lots. I had a band aid on my blister but even with my most comfortable shoes I was in pain with every step. By the end of the night I was sure the bone was poking through....well, not really. We'd skipped dinner and weren't too hungry so we decided to have a few treats. We split a pretzel and a little later had gelatos. We each had a small (1/2 cup) and 1they were $5.50 each! But a small is all a person needs, all the taste is in the first few bites.
Walked around The Mirage too. We stayed there in the 1991 or 1992. I remember there wasn't too much south of it...not anymore.
I could never drive in this city, that's for sure! The picture at right is in front of the office of the RV little log cabin office here...this is Las Vegas!
Tomorrow I'm NOT walking too much.
to bad you are 2000 miles away, I filleted that 40 lb grouper....yum!
I have weigh in in the morning. I'll call afterwards.
Paul, I'm not 2000 miles away...only 4 hours. I'll take their portion of the grouper.
Kath, all I can say is you sure have a way w/ words.
AI concert is Aug 22 in Tampa...we going?
Paul, I just looked at the pics of the FISH - awesome! Yum is right. And good for the diet. Hey, the fish weighs as much as you've that a sign?
Mary...Jim is REALLY into AI this year. He want to go to the concert, but the nearest one to us is in Charlotte, so we're going to make an overnight trip if we can get tickets.
Thanks for asking, though.
I like Gin's idea of a meet in the spring, I'm in.
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