190 miles
Avoided the rush hour traffic in Phoenix and left about 10:00am. So much smog there today, that the mountains were hardly visible. It's expected to get worse this weekend.
We took I17 north toward Flagstaff. Would have liked to visit the Sedona area, but we realize that we can't do everything.
The rocks were a different color...and little by little small bushes and a little grass started appearing. It was a big deal. Oh, and I saw two ANTELOPE! Although, I didn't see any deer playing nearby...or, for that matter, buffalo roaming.
Big climbs for the poor RV. One climb was 7 miles long, we are rethinking our route concerning mountains. Tomorrow we're taking the JEEP up to the Grand Canyon and mountains, the RV and dogs will stay here in Flagstaff. We are camped at the base of a mountain, very pretty. With big PINE TREES!
Arriving in Flagstaff with Humphrey's Peak in the background at right. (I think it's that one)
We are at 7,ooo feet elevation. It's so much colder! I have a problem with elevation and the heart condition, so I won't be doing any exercise. Tonight is supposed to be 25 degrees and tomorrow in the 60's. There's snow on the mountain in town, it's over 12,000 feet. We wanted to go to the north rim, but we've been told it's still too snowy up there. Snow, yikes!
Went to the grocery store and stopped at the little Flagstaff Mall for some walking shoes. Most of the locals are Indian...(feathers, not dots)
Need to hit the sack, we've got a long day tomorrow and would like to start early.
I should have some good pictures tomorrow.
1 comment:
Wow that saguaro cactus is HUGE!!! Enjoying the pics ma. Going back to bed, running the road to Atlanta tonight.
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