Day 43 Omaha NE to Rock Island IL
320 Miles
We spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with Jim's brother and wife at their lovely home in Omaha. I kept looking up at the high ceilings, it's been a long time since I've seen anything over 6 1/2 feet or so high. And the water pressure...aaaaah. Just enjoyed staying in the shower, it felt like I was at the base of Niagara Falls after the lower pressure in the RV.

Jim golfed Wednesday and Thursday. Sister in law and I shopped Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday we all went to their wonderful Doorly Zoo, clearly one of the best in the country. We had a great time interacting with the gorillas, the gorillas also had a great time jumping up and banging on the glass to scare the crowds. Even saw an elephant with a 'grill' on his tusks, like a rap star!
320 Miles
We spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with Jim's brother and wife at their lovely home in Omaha. I kept looking up at the high ceilings, it's been a long time since I've seen anything over 6 1/2 feet or so high. And the water pressure...aaaaah. Just enjoyed staying in the shower, it felt like I was at the base of Niagara Falls after the lower pressure in the RV.
Jim golfed Wednesday and Thursday. Sister in law and I shopped Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday we all went to their wonderful Doorly Zoo, clearly one of the best in the country. We had a great time interacting with the gorillas, the gorillas also had a great time jumping up and banging on the glass to scare the crowds. Even saw an elephant with a 'grill' on his tusks, like a rap star!
We stayed downtown for dinner and later went to see a movie. Jim found a remote that he couldn't possible lose!
We also got to visit with our two grown nephews at diner Thursday and Jim enjoyed telling some of his 'cop stories' which are very similar to our all of our Dad's 'war stories'.
It was a nice break from all the travel and it was great to actually be around family again, after all the traveling. But, this morning it was time to hit the road's that old saying go? 'Fish and visitors start to stick after three days.'
Nice ride across Iowa, and it's GREEN now! The trees have leaves and the corn is starting to sprout. And there is a LOT OF CORN. Iowa seems to be 'road kill' heaven for deer. The poor things everywhere.
We pulled off the road after we crossed the Mississippi River in Rock Island IL. And it's warm, yea. Tomorrow we are headed for Chicago. We've planned the rest of the trip and we'll be heading south after our Chicago visit. Tired of being cold, and the big cities of the northeast are not what we want to tackle after all these weeks on the road.
1 comment:
What a nice picture of Aunt Carrol and Dad at the zoo.....why is Dad on the other side of the glass?
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