Today is the first day of the Atlantic Hurricane Season.
I'm pleased to announce to the citizens of coastal South Carolina that they can relax. There's nothing to worry about. You don't have to go out to WalMart and put your hurricane kit together. Actually, everyone here waits until the damn storm is hours away to do that anyway, so ignore the last sentence.
The reason is because we still have the RV. As long as it's in our possession there will be no hurricanes in our vicinity. I know this because?
Because, we would be way too comfortable after the storm. Yep, we'd have a generator (people really envy you when YOU have power) a refrigerator, air conditioning, a stove, a HOT shower, running water...
Oh, how jealous I was of those who had a motor home parked in the driveway after HUGO! While we sweated in the humidity from Hell, stumbled around in the dark, tried to brew coffee on the gas grill, ate more peanut butter and jelly than I thought possible and generally went crazy without television, for two weeks, the people with RV's were living....NORMAL lives! The bastards.
So, every summer that we are in the position to be perfectly comfortable should lose all our material comforts, the years that we have a motor home during hurricane season....I sit back and RELAX.
Nope, none for Charleston this year, unless we sell it...
Let me see....are there fresh batteries in the flashlight?